Fitness, Health Cedric Levy Fitness, Health Cedric Levy

Is Fitness A Full-Time Thing?

We all know that exercise, good nutrition, and taking care of your whole body are essential aspects of life.

And we all know that we should probably be doing more of it.

But let's be honest – sometimes, fitness can be tricky.

It sure does take some time, dedication, and effort to stay in shape, and sometimes it feels like a full-time job.

So is it worth it?

Is fitness something we should strive for every day, or can we relax a little bit and enjoy life, too, while reaping the benefits of a fitness-based lifestyle?

In this article, we'll discuss just that!

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Nutrition, Mindset, Health, Changing Habits Cedric Levy Nutrition, Mindset, Health, Changing Habits Cedric Levy

Fat Loss 101 | PT 2 - Keeping The Fat Off

Like many gym-goers, you're probably looking to drop a few (or more) pounds.

In this blog post series, we'll further dig into fat loss to help you understand it in its entirety.

In part one, we talked about the role of diet in weight loss.

This week, we'll look at how to maintain your hard-earned results once you've achieved them.

So hit the showers, dry off, and read on for some helpful tips!

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Health, Mental Health, Mindset Cedric Levy Health, Mental Health, Mindset Cedric Levy

Colour Psychology: How Colours Affect Mood & Emotions

Have you ever wondered why certain clothes make you feel more confident or what draws you to a particular brand?

Well, the answer might be straightforward - colours.

You are surrounded by various colours that might significantly impact your moods and thoughts more than you think.

So, let's figure out to what extent and how exactly colour can affect you.

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Nutrition, Health, Changing Habits Cedric Levy Nutrition, Health, Changing Habits Cedric Levy

Fat Loss 101 | PT 1 - How Do You REALLY Lose It?

What's the best way to lose fat? This is a question that has been asked time and time again, and the answer is not always clear-cut.

But that's just because many new, 'promising' products and dieting schemes seemingly grant quick and effective results.

In this series of blog posts, we will explore the basics of fat loss – what it is, how it works, and how you can achieve your own goals.

More importantly, in part two, we will tell you more about how you should go about keeping the fat off!

Stay tuned – the journey begins!

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Nutrition Cedric Levy Nutrition Cedric Levy

Breakfast: What Should It Include?

It's 8 am on a Monday, and you're getting ready to head to work.

You should probably eat breakfast before working out, but what should you have?

Do you need carbs, protein, or fat?

And is there a good time to eat breakfast to lose weight?

Here's everything you need to know about breakfast and fitness.

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Cardio Training, Aerobic Training, Fitness Cedric Levy Cardio Training, Aerobic Training, Fitness Cedric Levy

5 Ways To Add Complexity To Sprints

It's a common belief that the best way to become faster and more efficient at sprinting is to keep things simple.

But is that true? Or can adding complexity lead to even better results?

In this post, we'll look at five ways you can add complexity to your sprinting workouts - and see how they can help you achieve even better results.

Are you ready to take your sprinting game up a notch? Let's get started!

But first…

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Health, Mindset Cedric Levy Health, Mindset Cedric Levy

Trends VS Sustainable Habits

How many times have you started a brand new diet or fitness plan, vowing that this is the time you finally stick with it?

And how many times has that failed after just a few weeks?

Yeah, we get it... but listen, you're not alone. Every other day, there's a new trend in the health and fitness world, but most of them don't last.

So what's the key to sustainable progress? In this article, we'll learn more about just that!

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Training VS Exercising | Are You Training Effectively?

I'm sure you've heard it before: "No one ever regrets going to the gym." But have you ever stopped to ask yourself why?

Is it because we're all so happy and fulfilled after a good workout?

Or could it be that, deep down, we all know that if we don't go to the gym, we'll regret it later?

Okay, so maybe I'm exaggerating a little bit.

The truth is, there are plenty of reasons to hit the gym other than just avoiding regret.

But at the end of the day, most people go to the gym because they want to see results.

And when it comes to training effectively, knowing whether you're actually working out or just exercising can make all the difference.

So what's the difference between the two? Keep reading to find out!

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Strength Training, Fitness Cedric Levy Strength Training, Fitness Cedric Levy

Training Alone VS With A Gym Buddy

Solo gyming is underrated. You get into the zone by yourself and can blast your Spotify playlists as loud as you want.

But what about when you need that push to finish your last rep or set?

Enter: the Gym Buddy!

Working out with someone else not only amps up the fun factor but also motivates you to achieve more.

So, which one is better for your fitness goals: training alone or with a gym buddy?

Read on to find out!

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Fitness, Health, Nutrition, Prehab/Rehab Cedric Levy Fitness, Health, Nutrition, Prehab/Rehab Cedric Levy

The Promise Of Magic (And Why The Fitness Industry Is Screwed)

Regular people have an innate love of magic. From a young age, we're entranced by the possibilities of things that can't be explained.

We want to believe in the impossible because it makes life more fun and exciting.

And there's no place where this is more apparent than in the fitness industry.

Every day, new miracle products and diets promise to help us achieve our perfect bodies with little effort.

But as anyone who's ever tried them knows, these promises are nothing but a load of money-sucking lies.

In this article, we'll review the two common ways' fitness wizards' fool people and then tell you what to focus on instead.

Stay tuned!

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Strength Training Cedric Levy Strength Training Cedric Levy

The 5 Exercises You MUST Do

We all know we should exercise, but sometimes it's hard to motivate ourselves to get moving.

After all, so many different exercises are out there, and it can be tough to decide which ones are worth our time.

That's why we've put together a list of the five exercises you absolutely MUST do.

Trust us, these moves are worth the effort and will get you the most bang for your buck!

But before we check out the specific exercises, let's briefly talk about the two types of exercises.

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Cardio Training, Aerobic Training Cedric Levy Cardio Training, Aerobic Training Cedric Levy

Let's Get Running! - Beginner Cardio Routine

Are you looking to get into shape but don't know where to start?

Or maybe you've been working out for a while but want to switch things up or add something to your routine that doesn't involve lifting heavy objects?

Whatever the case, a good cardio routine is a perfect choice!

This blog post will give you our beginner cardio routine to help you improve cardiovascular fitness and endurance through various activities.

Let's get to it!

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Aerobic Training, Cardio Training, Nutrition Cedric Levy Aerobic Training, Cardio Training, Nutrition Cedric Levy

Exposing The Fad - Is Fasted Cardio Better?

You've probably heard about fasted cardio if you've stepped foot in a gym in the past few years.

Proponents of the theory claim that when you do your cardio exercises early in the morning before eating anything, your body will burn more fat because it doesn't have any food to use as fuel.

But is this true? And even if it is, is it worth skipping breakfast for?

Let's look closely at fasted cardio and see what the evidence says.

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Fitness Cedric Levy Fitness Cedric Levy

Alcohol & Fitness - Should You Exclude It Completely?

We've all heard the saying, "moderation is key." But when it comes to alcohol and fitness, is that true?

Can you have a drink or two and still be considered healthy? Or does alcohol altogether cancel out all of your hard work at the gym?

In this post, we'll explore the effects of alcohol on fitness and provide some tips for how to include it in your life without compromising your progress.

Stay tuned!

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5 Reasons You SHOULD Hire A Coach

So you've decided to get fit, eh? Good for you! But hold on a second there, cowboy.

You might think that going it alone is the best way to achieve your fitness goals, but you'd be wrong.

Hiring a coach is one of the most brilliant things you can do to guarantee your fitness success.

Wondering why? Here are the five reasons you SHOULD hire a coach!

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Nutrition Cedric Levy Nutrition Cedric Levy

You Are Protein (And Why You Should Prioritise It)

Think you don't need to worry about protein? You're mistaken. Here's why it's important and how to ensure you're getting enough.

Protein is one of the essential nutrients for our bodies, but many don't realise just how vital it is.

Contrary to popular belief, we do not only need protein when we are trying to bulk up or lose weight – it is an essential part of our diet no matter what.

In this blog post, I will discuss the benefits of protein, why we should all be making sure we are meeting our recommended intake, and some tips on how to do so.

So please read on, and let's learn together!

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Nutrition Cedric Levy Nutrition Cedric Levy

Why You Should Never Diet Again

We've all been there. You've decided that you're going to start dieting, so you can finally lose those last few pounds.

But inevitably, things don't go as planned. You find yourself struggling to stick to your diet, and eventually, you give up and gain all the weight back.

In twice a less time. Over and Over again.

So why does the dieting process seem so hard? More importantly, is it even worth it?

This blog post will explore why you should never diet again. Keep reading to find out more!

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Aerobic Training, Cardio Training Cedric Levy Aerobic Training, Cardio Training Cedric Levy

When Should You Do Cardio?

So, you're trying to get fit. Congratulations! You've made an excellent decision for your health and wellbeing.

But the question remains: when should you do your cardio?

There are a lot of different opinions out there, so it can be tough to know what's right for you.

This blog post will explore the different options and help you make the best decision for your fitness goals.

Ready to get started? Let's go!

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Training Periodisation And Why You Should Do It

Are you one of those people that hates change? If so, I have bad news for you: to see results in your fitness journey, you'll have to change things up every once in a while.

One way to do this is through training periodisation.

But what exactly is that? And more importantly, why should you do it?

Let's take a closer look.

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