Why You Should Never Diet Again

We've all been there. You've decided that you're going to start dieting, so you can finally lose those last few pounds. 


But inevitably, things don't go as planned. You find yourself struggling to stick to your diet, and eventually, you give up and gain all the weight back.


In twice a less time. Over and Over again.


So why does the dieting process seem so hard? More importantly, is it even worth it? 


This blog post will explore why you should never diet again. Keep reading to find out more!


Dieting VS Nutrition Culture

Why do people diet? To lose weight, to look a certain way, to be healthier. But people don't realise that diets are restrictive, and for most people, diets don't change the core of the issue, which is the HABITS.


And that's precisely why diets are vicious cycles for most individuals.


But you have to realise it's not about willpower or self-control. 


"Oh, I have so much willpower that I didn't eat ANY McDonalds for three weeks; I'll reward myself on Sunday."




Being in shape is about making the right food choices. And that's something that has to be cultivated over time. 


Just like any other culture, a nutritional culture has to be created, and it takes education, awareness, and, most importantly, baby steps. 


You're not going to create a nutritional culture overnight, but if you start small, you can make lasting changes that will lead you to a healthier, happier life.


And you'll pass that culture down to the following generations.


Habits To Adopt

What if we told you that creating a nutritional culture and developing a healthy relationship with food is as simple as adopting three new habits? 


And what if we further promised that these habits were not only easy to implement but also enjoyable? 


You might be sceptical but bear with us. 


#1 Choosing Whole Foods

Most people know that processed junk food is not exactly good for them. 


We all have that friend who can eat an entire pizza and never gain a pound, while the rest of us have to watch our weight and food intake a little more carefully. 


However, many people don't realise that processed junk food is quite harmful to our health if it is the primary food source for our bodies.


Not only does it lack the nutrients our bodies need to function correctly, but it can also lead to overeating and, in turn, weight gain, diabetes, and other chronic health problems. 


For these reasons, it's crucial to develop a healthy relationship with food by choosing whole foods instead of processed junk. 


Whole foods are not only more nutritious, but they're also more satisfying, so you're less likely to overeat or crave unhealthy snacks later on. 


This is step 1 and the most important habit to cultivate.


#2 High-Protein Meals

Why is protein essential? It helps your body repair cells, create enzymes and hormones, and provides the raw material for various other tissues. 


If you want to eat healthily, it is essential to make it a habit that you eat at least 2-3 high-protein meals per day that contain high-quality protein. 


This means foods like eggs, fish, lean meats, yoghurt, and legumes. 


Not only will this help you to feel fuller longer, reducing unwanted snacking, but it will also give the body what it needs and can't produce on its own. 


So, step two - make it a habit to consume 2-3 high-protein meals daily!


#3 Cheat Day Everyday

Why do we love cheat days so much? Could it be because they're a rare treat? Or is it because we get to eat our favourite foods? Perhaps it's a combination of both. 


Whatever the reason, there's no denying that cheat days are special. But what if we didn't have to wait for a special occasion to indulge in our favourite foods? What if we could eat them every day without feeling guilty?


Interestingly, this is a strategy that some people use to deal with their cravings. 


They find they don't crave them as much by eating their favourite foods daily. 


This may sound counterintuitive, but it can be pretty effective. 


After all, if you're getting your "fix" daily, you're less likely to go overboard when you have a cheat day.


And you CAN DO THIS if you acknowledge that it's mostly about calories in vs calories out, rather than the type of food you eat.


Keep the balance in favour of whole, nutrient-dense foods, and eat some of your favourite junk regularly, and you'll be fine.


Eating your favourite processed foods more often becomes less memorable, and you can eventually drop them altogether.


Investing The Nutrients

Finally, most people have to diet because they aren't active enough.


But if you cultivate the above habits and start training, you get the most bang for your buck.


Think about it - combining those new habits with training is like investing.


Good food is the money you invest, and the gym is the mutual fund that multiplies your investment.


And it has an infinite compound interest.


You become stronger, more durable, better-looking, more productive, healthier, and improve your mood.


What is there to lose? Get to the gym.


Final Thoughts


So, think again the next time you feel like starting a diet. Diets are not only prone to failure, but they can also be downright harmful to your health if done incorrectly. 


Instead of depriving yourself of food and risking weight gain in the future, try making minor changes to your eating habits and then apply that discipline to a more structured "diet."


What's your take on this? Comment below!


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