Training Periodisation And Why You Should Do It

Are you one of those people that hates change? If so, I have bad news for you: to see results in your fitness journey, you'll have to change things up every once in a while. 


One way to do this is through training periodisation. 


But what exactly is that? And more importantly, why should you do it? 


Let's take a closer look. 


What Is Training Periodisation?

The training process for athletes is constantly evolving. In the early days of sports, training was relatively low-key and unstructured. 


Athletes would show up to practice and go through the motions. 


However, as competitions became more organised and demanding, coaches began to look for ways to improve their team's performance. 


This led to the development of training periodisation. Training periodisation is a systematic approach to planning and managing a training program. 


It involves dividing the training process into distinct phases, each with its own specific goals. 


This allows coaches better to tailor their workouts to their team's needs and helps athletes to avoid burnout. 


As a result, training periodisation has become an integral part of many successful sports programs.


But how can we apply all of this in the context of your Average-Gym-Joe style of training, where no competitive goals are in mind?


Well, the simplest way is to go by the seasonal changes of our planet.


Allow us to give you a glimpse into exactly what we mean here.


Summer Cycles

Warm weather and long days beg us to get outside and move our bodies. 


We naturally want to be more active when it's sunny out, whether that means going for a run, a bike ride, or just playing with the kids at the park. 


And all that activity can help burn calories and promote weight loss. 


But that's not the only reason we tend to lose weight in the summer. 


Our appetites also naturally shrink when it's hot out. 


Have you ever noticed that you don't get as hungry when it's hot? 


... Yeah. We've all been there.


And though it may seem bad at first, it would only be natural to place your "leaning out" period during summer.


This is when you can display that muscle underneath the fluff with a bit of shredding!


Winter Cycles

Gaining muscle and strength during the winter may sound counterintuitive, but there are a few reasons why it can be the ideal time to bulk up. 


For one thing, our appetites generally increase during the colder months, making it easier to consume the extra calories needed for muscle growth. 


Additionally, we tend to be less active during the winter, making it even easier to create that caloric surplus. 


Of course, you'll still need to follow a healthy diet and exercise regularly, but if you're looking to add some extra muscle mass, winter may be the best time to do it.


This is why we recommend our clients (and you, reader!) to place the "gaining" period during wintertime!


Transition Periods

Anyone who has done a bulking and cutting cycle knows that the experience is not for the faint of heart. 


It takes a lot of dedication, discipline, and, most importantly, time. But many people don't realise that a transition period between bulking and cutting is just as crucial as the cycles themselves. 


During this time, your body is adjusting to the new changes in your diet and training regimen. 


For this exact reason, we recommend you incorporate a careful transition period between your summer and winter cycles.


For instance, transitioning from bulking to cutting would mean gradually decreasing your calories and increasing activity levels for a few weeks.


And vice versa, if you're transitioning from cutting to bulking, that would mean gradually increasing your calories and training output.


Final Thoughts

Periodisation is an essential tool that can help you achieve your fitness goals. 


It may seem like a lot of work, but the benefits are worth it. Have you ever tried periodising your training? What were the results? Comment below!


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