The Magic Of The Big 3 (Squat, Bench, Deadlift)

There is no doubt that the big 3 (squat, bench, deadlift) are the king of exercises. 


But why are they so effective? And what makes them so unique? 


In this post, we will take a closer look at the magic of these three exercises and discuss why they should be a vital component of any fitness routine. 


Stay tuned!


The Intensity Factor

You hit the gym three times a week, never miss a session, and always give it your all. 


So why don't you see results? Chances are, you're not working out hard enough, and you need to train at the right intensity to see results from your fitness routine. 


Too little effort, and you won't see any gains. 


But if you push yourself too hard, you risk injury and potentially burnout if you're not eating and sleeping well. 


So how do you find the sweet spot?


Here's a quick, actionable tip - choose exercises that allow you to lift heavy (heavy weights = high intensity.)


Then, throughout the execution of those exercises, push yourself until you're almost out of juice (i.e. leaving 1-2 reps in reserve, occasionally reaching failure.)


This is the essence of effective training.


Now let's talk about exercise choices!


Compound VS Isolated

When it comes to working out, compound and isolated are two main types of movements. 


Isolated movements emphasise a single muscle group, while compound movements allow multiple muscle groups to work hard. 


So, which is better? While isolated movements have their place, compound movements are generally considered superior for a few reasons. 


First, compound movements help to build functional strength, and that's because they more closely mimic the way our muscles work in everyday life. 


Second, compound movements are more efficient than isolated movements. 


They allow you to work for multiple muscle groups at once, so you can get more done in less time. 


Compound movements allow you to lift heavier by utilising multiple muscle groups to help you move the load.


This allows for, again, the intensity factor to be at play!


The Squat

Why is the squat such an excellent exercise for the lower body? For starters, it engages all the major muscles in the legs, including the quads, hamstrings, and glutes. 


Additionally, squats help to build overall strength and improve balance. 


But there's more to the squat than just its physical benefits. 


This simple exercise can also help to improve your mental health, too!


How come, you may ask? Is it the insane release of endorphins and hormones during and after a heavy squat session?


Well, perhaps it has more to do with the fact that you're being pushed down by a massive weight, and you manage to stand up... Multiple times!


It may sound cliche, but it's true!


If you've done heavy squat sessions for some time, you'd know about the resilience, discipline and toughness that this exercise builds!


The Bench

The bench press is a classic exercise for a reason - it works! 


The bench press is hard to beat when it comes to pushing exercises for the upper body, and it targets the chest, triceps, and shoulders, making it a great all-around exercise for building strength. 


And because there are so many variations of the bench press, you can always switch things up to keep your workout interesting and place different emphasis.


For example, you can switch to a close grip to target the triceps or use dumbbells instead of a barbell to even out any strength imbalances.


The bench press is a great exercise to add to your routine, whether a beginner or a seasoned athlete. 


So why not give it a try? You might just be surprised at how much you enjoy it.


The Deadlift

The deadlift is a compound exercise that works for multiple muscle groups simultaneously, making it an extremely effective way to build strength. 


It is also highly versatile, as it can be performed with various stances, positions and equipment. 


As well as being an excellent exercise for building muscle, the deadlift can also help to improve your posture and increase your range of motion. 


For all these reasons, the deadlift is an excellent exercise to add to your routine in the long term!


So, wait no more... Just pull!


Honourable Mentions

The bench press, squat, and deadlift may get all the glory, but other compound exercises are just as effective, if not more so. 


These include the overhead press, pull-ups, dips, and barbell rows. 


All these exercises work for multiple muscle groups simultaneously and are, therefore, effective in building strength and muscle. 


So next time you're in the gym, don't be afraid to try something new and create a good workout for a well-rounded physique!



Final Thoughts

Conclusion paragraph: So, what's the verdict? Are squats, bench presses and deadlifts all you need for a great workout? 


In short, yes. These three exercises are staples for a reason - they are effective! 


But that doesn't mean you can't add some variations to keep things interesting (and challenging). 


If you want to start seeing results from your workouts, put the big three at the core of your sessions – and focus on proper form to avoid injuries. 


Add some overhead presses, pull-ups, dips, rows, hip thrusts and isolated movements, and you'll see great results in no time!


Do you have a go-to workout routine that includes these exercises? Let us know in the comments!


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