The Two Types Of Training Activities | Aerobic VS Anaerobic Training Which One Is Better And Why?

Most people I talk to about fitness are confused about what type of training they should go for. 


They ask me, "Should I do more cardio or weight lifting?" 


When I hear this, I'm always tempted to give the same answer my high school track coach gave me: "It depends." 


The best way to find out what type of training is right for you is to understand the different workouts and how they affect the body and then relate this to your goals.


With some experimentation and mixing things up, you will easily find something that suits you best!


Now without further ado, let's look at the two main types of training activities - Aerobic & Anaerobic training.


What Is Aerobic Training?

Ever wondered what people mean when they talk about "aerobic training"? 


The term' aerobic' is derived from two Greek words - Aeros & Bios, meaning "air" and "life", which means that aerobic activities require oxygen to be sustained.


In short, it refers to any activity that gets your heart and breathing rate up and keeps them there for an extended period. 


Unlike anaerobic exercise, which is short and intense, aerobic activity is relatively low-intensity and can be sustained for long periods. 


Popular examples of aerobic exercise include walking, jogging, biking, swimming, and dancing. 


Generally, aerobic exercise is excellent for cardiovascular and overall health, as well as increased endurance and stamina, which is why everyone should include it in their workout routines, regardless of the goal.


What Is Anaerobic Training?

Picture yourself working out. You're huffing and puffing, your heart is racing, and you feel like you can't go on after 10 seconds of activity. 


But you push yourself to continue and squeeze out another 10-15 seconds. What's going on inside your body during this intense exercise? Most likely, you're engaged in anaerobic training.


Anaerobic training is an exercise that uses the energy stored in your muscles without using oxygen. 


As you learned, 'aerobic' means 'requires oxygen,' and well, anaerobic is the same thing but with the prefix "an", which means "without" in Greek; therefore, it doesn't require oxygen and is the polar opposite of aerobic training.


Two great examples of anaerobic activities are sprinting and weight lifting.


When you engage in such activities, your body demands instant energy to fuel and sustain them. 


As a result, the body turns to anaerobic metabolism to meet its energy needs, where ATP, creatine, and muscle glycogen (stored carbs) are used.


Anaerobic training has many benefits - It can help you build muscle mass and strength, improve your cardiovascular health, and increase your strength and endurance. 


However, it's important to note that you should only perform an anaerobic exercise in short bursts. 


If you engage in anaerobic activity for too long, you'll feel fatigued, and your performance will suffer.


They Are… Different!

Aerobic and anaerobic training are two very different types of exercise, and no one style is better. 


Instead, it is essential for trainees to do both types of training, depending on their goals. 


Aerobic training is ideal for those looking to improve their endurance and cardiovascular fitness. In contrast, anaerobic exercise is better for those who want to build muscle mass and strength. 


However, both types of training have their benefits, so finding the right balance for your fitness goals is essential. 


With some trial and error, you'll soon find the perfect mix of aerobic and anaerobic training to help you reach your fitness goals.


Final Thoughts

So what's the difference? Aerobic exercise is done continuously and rhythmically, and this could be something like jogging, biking, or swimming. 


On the other hand, Anaerobic activity involves short bursts of energy, such as sprinting or weightlifting, followed by periods of rest.


And which one is better? Whichever one fits your goals the most! 


If you're all about aesthetics, strength, and explosiveness, focus on anaerobic training and do some aerobic exercises.


The opposite is also relevant - If you want to develop more long-distance endurance, focus on aerobic training and only do intense exercises here and there.


Which is your favourite type of exercise? Comment below!


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