Training 101: Stick To The Basics!

There's no doubt that effective training is essential to the success of any individual looking to make progress in the gym. 


But with all of the endless options and seemingly promising training programs available today, where should you start? 


Well, it might be as simple as sticking to the basics of fitness training.


This blog post will discuss some simple but effective training methods to help you make consistent gains over time. 


Without further ado, let's find out exactly why you should stick to the basics instead of opting for complex training programs.


What Are The Basics?

People will think of different things when we're talking about the basics of training.\


For some, the basics may represent rep ranges, or numbers of sets, while for others, it may just simply mean "bench, squat, deadlift, repeat."


With this in mind, let's look at the three most important 'basics' in fitness training.


#1 Compound Movements

Because training aims to provide effective stimulus, exercise choice is an inevitably important part of your training journey.


There are two types of exercises that you can do - compound and isolated movements.


Compound movements engage two or more muscle groups, while isolated ones do the same, with a much greater emphasis on one of the working muscles.


In general, compound movements are more effective because they hard-engage more, bigger muscle groups at once and, thus, allow you to lift heavier weights and create more significant stimulus.


With simple words, compound exercises allow you to do more work in less time, which is both more effective and efficient.

This is why the training protocols we create for most clients revolve primarily around compound movements, and we use isolated movements to target lacking muscle groups or finish a workout.


You may ask what compound movements should be at the core of your training regimen.


 Here are our top 7 choices


  1. Bench press (Dumbbell, barbell, incline, decline)

  2. Squat (Barbell, machine, dumbbell)

  3. Deadlift (Barbell, dumbbell)

  4. Pull-ups (overhand, underhand grip, close grip, wide grip, neutral grip)

  5. Rows (barbell, dumbbell, cable, machine, T-bar)

  6. Overhead presses (barbell, dumbbell, machine)

  7. Dips (parallel bar, bench)


Integrating these movements and all their variations into your workout routine grants sufficient stimulus if the exercises are done with the right intensity (weight.)


#2 Progressive Overload

Speaking of weights, perhaps something more important than exercise choice is the principle of progressive overload (PO.)


Progressive overload (PO) is an essential principle in fitness training, and it is perhaps the most fundamental teaching that any new trainee should keep in mind. 


This principle states that you must constantly challenge your body to achieve optimal results as you strive to meet your fitness goals. 


By progressively increasing the stimuli of your training over time, you will continue to force your body to adapt and improve. 


Gradually increasing the stimulus over time implies that you will achieve a heightened level of performance and make continual progress toward achieving your goals. 


While most people think of PO as just increasing the working weight, there are more ways to make your body do more, such as:


1. Increasing the number of repetitions

2. Increasing the number of working (high-exertion) sets 

3. Decreasing rest between sets (doing the same amount of work but for less time)

4. Doing all of the above on an entirely new exercise

5. Slowing down the pace (increasing time under tension)


Whether you are just starting your fitness journey or looking for ways to push yourself further, remember that progressive overload is the key to unlocking your potential.


#3 Rest Times

In most gym settings, there is typically little focus placed on rest times between sets and between workouts. 


This often leads to diminishing performance returns, as weight training is a highly strenuous activity that demands adequate rest to sustain performance over long periods. 


In light of this fact, the goal of every training session should be to maximise the amount of time we can sustain our peak performance. 


Of course, this is only possible through providing sufficient rest between sets and between workouts. 


Though most coaches advise you to rest 60-90 seconds between sets, this may be too short of recuperating after a challenging set.


If you've been experiencing suboptimal performance in your training, try taking 2.5-3 minutes of rest between your heaviest bouts.


This will allow you to squeeze in an extra couple of reps or, at the very least, sustain your performance.


On the other hand, you should also consider rest times between workouts, as any high-exertion workout demands a proper time frame before the next training session.


The optimal rest period between workouts for a particular muscle group forms at around 72-96 hours, depending on the amount of work done in a workout.


If you trained your chest on Monday, you'd be best off training it again around Thursday-Friday.


Optimising your rest times between sets and workouts can ensure that you're giving your body enough downtime so that they have time to recover and perform at its best each time you step into the gym.


Honourable Mention

Regardless of how well-optimised your training protocol is, it is nothing without consistency. 


This principle holds for both athletes and non-athletes alike. 


Whether you are trying to get stronger, lose weight, or improve your cardiovascular health, sticking with your routine consistently over time is key to success. 


Even a perfectly crafted training program will yield limited results if you only complete it part-time. 


To achieve meaningful results and achieve your fitness goals, it is essential to practice the fundamentals day in and day out. 


So what are you waiting for? Let's Get Started!


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