The Reason Food Isn't Just Macros

Food is often reduced to macros, the basic building blocks of macronutrients like protein, fat, and carbohydrates. 


While tracking macros can be a helpful tool for weight management and athletic performance, this approach fails to capture the complexity and nuance of our food. 


Food is more than just a collection of nutrients.


It expresses the culture, a source of pleasure, comfort, and a way to connect. 


In this article, we'll explore why food isn't just macros and why it's essential to consider the broader context of food when choosing what we eat.


About Dieting

The dieting culture has become increasingly popular among individuals wanting to lose weight. 


With the rise of social media and the wellness industry, there has been a proliferation of diets and weight loss programs that promise quick and easy results. 


Many people believe that restricting their food intake or following a specific diet plan is the key to achieving their ideal body. 


However, this culture often perpetuates a narrow and unrealistic standard of beauty and eating, which can negatively impact individuals' mental and physical health. 


Despite this, the desire to lose weight remains a strong motivator for many people, leading them to engage in dieting behaviours despite potential risks.


More often than not, these 'diets' tend to include periods of severe restriction, usually with a start and an end date of the 'diet.'


This is done to improve body composition and health.


However, most individuals who go on a diet forget one crucial aspect of health and nutrition…


Health Is A Relationship

Health is not simply a matter of following a diet or achieving a certain body weight. 


Instead, it's about cultivating a positive and nourishing relationship with our bodies and food. 


Health is a holistic concept that encompasses physical, mental, and social well-being. 


This means it's essential to focus on more than just the number on the scale or the types of food we consume. 


Building a healthy relationship with our bodies involves listening to our internal hunger and fullness cues and practising self-care and compassion. 


Similarly, having a healthy relationship with food involves enjoying various foods in moderation, without guilt or shame, and primarily focusing on nourishing whole-food sources.


By viewing health as a relationship rather than a set of rules or restrictions, we can create a sustainable and fulfilling approach to self-care.


Food Is Art And Enjoyment

Last but not least, it is essential to remember that food is a source of energy and nutrients and a form of art and enjoyment. 


Eating should be a pleasurable experience, not a chore. 


While tracking macros and eating plain, bland meals may seem the only way to achieve health goals, it's important to remember that healthy eating can be delicious and exciting. 


Cooking and preparing food can be a creative outlet, allowing us to experiment with different flavours, textures, and ingredients. 


By incorporating a variety of colourful fruits and vegetables, healthy fats, and lean proteins, we can create beautiful, satisfying meals that nourish our bodies and delight our taste buds. 


Rather than focusing solely on the nutritional content of our food, we can approach eating as an opportunity to connect with our senses and enjoy the pleasures of life.


Don't let it be just a bunch of protein, fats, and carbs!


Final Thoughts

To summarise, whether you are trying to lose or gain weight or create better eating habits, there are considerations far more critical than the plain nutritional value of foods.


Most of all, food should be viewed as something we have a special relationship with.


Food is energy, but it is something to enjoy and experiment with.


Consider this the next time you're going on a 'diet' or trying the next best fad nutrition plan!


What's your relationship with food, and how do you view it? Comment below!


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