Fitness, Health, Strength Training, Cardio Training Cedric Levy Fitness, Health, Strength Training, Cardio Training Cedric Levy

Unleash the Power of HIIT: A Comprehensive Guide to High-Intensity Interval Training

HIIT, also known as interval training, is a form of exercise that alternates between short bursts of intense activity and periods of lower-intensity recovery. This unique approach to exercise has gained immense popularity in recent years, and for good reason. HIIT provides a challenging and dynamic workout and offers a wide range of health benefits that can help you achieve your fitness goals in a fraction of the time compared to traditional endurance training.

In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the world of HIIT, its numerous benefits, practical exercises, and expert tips to help you incorporate this powerful workout into your routine.

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Nutrition, Cardio Training, Aerobic Training Cedric Levy Nutrition, Cardio Training, Aerobic Training Cedric Levy

Fasted Cardio: The Ultimate Guide for Weight Loss and Fat Burning

Are you tired of hitting plateaus in your weight loss journey? Have you been curious about the buzz surrounding fasted cardio and its potential benefits? Look no further! In this ultimate guide, we'll explore exercising on an empty stomach and how it can supercharge your fat-burning efforts.

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Nutrition Cedric Levy Nutrition Cedric Levy

Macros Are Not The Enemy!

In the fitness world, certain macronutrients are often given a bad name, being blamed for outcomes like weight gain or obesity.

But when you objectively look at whole food nutrition, there isn’t a single nutrient that causes weight gain.

So what causes us to stack on excess pounds?

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Cedric Levy Cedric Levy

What's The Best Approach To Weight-loss?

It all begI bet you've asked yourself this question at least once. You're scrolling through Instagram, and you see your friend from high school who has a six-pack and wonder how they got there.

Did they have a personal trainer? Were they born with great genes? Are they on a weird diet that you could never stick to?

Maybe all of the above – but, more than likely, it took a whole lot of hard work, dedication, and consistency.

But the thing is, there are so many opinions about how to lose weight – it can be hard to know what's best.

Some people say you should cut out all carbs; others advocate for hours of cardio every day.

So what's the truth? What's the best way to lose weight and keep it off? Keep reading to find out!

ins with an idea.

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Cedric Levy Cedric Levy

The Easiest Way To Start A Workout - How To Start Your Fitness Journey

Working out can be daunting, especially when you're just starting.

Especially when you consider that it means committing yourself for the long haul if you want to get in shape.

That is to say, at least several months until you notice any appreciable results.

But what is the best way to start this journey of self-improvement, and what matters in it?

Well, first things first, it's the mindset.

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