Exploring Neural Adaptation: How Resistance Training Strengthens the Brain

When you hit the gym for resistance training, you build muscle and upgrade your brain's ability to control movement. This invisible "neural adaptation" process explains why you become stronger and more coordinated long before visible muscle growth occurs. Let’s explore how lifting weights rewires your nervous system to make everyday movements easier, athletic performance sharper, and even recovery faster.

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Strength Training Cedric Levy Strength Training Cedric Levy

Partial vs Full Range of Motion in Resistance Training: Impact on Hypertrophy

As a personal trainer, I often get asked about the best way to build muscle and strength. One of the most hotly debated topics in the fitness world is whether to use a full range of motion (ROM) or partial reps during resistance training. This article will explore the impact of ROM on muscle hypertrophy, helping you make informed decisions about your workout routine.

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