Prehab/Rehab, Sports-Specific Cedric Levy Prehab/Rehab, Sports-Specific Cedric Levy

The Art Of Active Recovery

Do you like taking long walks on the beach? Or spending time in nature? How about a leisurely bike ride on a sunny day?

If so, then you might be interested in active recovery.

What is active recovery, you ask? Great question! An active recovery is a form of rest that helps the body recover from strenuous exercise.

Unlike passive recovery (i.e., sitting around all day), which does nothing to improve your fitness level, active recovery increases your heart rate but doesn't wear you out.

Think of it as the best of both worlds - resting and recuperating while also getting some physical activity.

Curious to learn more? Read on as we unveil the benefits of active recovery, and tell you our 3 favourite ways to use it!

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