Do You Really Need Direct Core Training to Effectively Train Abs?
Regarding fitness, many active adults and restless parents wonder whether they must focus on direct core training to achieve strong, defined abs. Between juggling work, family, and personal goals, skipping specific core exercises like crunches or planks is tempting in favour of compound movements like squats and deadlifts. But is that enough? Let’s dive into the role of direct core training and whether it’s essential for building a strong, functional core.
Isolating the Abs, Calves, and Arms: Why Do It?
In the world of fitness and bodybuilding, the debate over isolation exercises for specific muscle groups like the arms, calves, and abs is almost as old as the discipline itself. The central question revolves around whether engaging in the big lifts—those compound movements that recruit multiple muscle groups simultaneously—is sufficient for developing these smaller yet aesthetically significant muscles or if targeted isolation work is required for optimal growth and strength gains.