Overcoming Compulsive Overeating

Overeating is a problem that a lot of fitness-oriented people face. 


Even if you work out and eat healthy most of the time, there will be moments when you can't resist overeating. 


For some people, overeating becomes a compulsive behaviour that's hard to break free from. 


If this sounds familiar, don't worry – there are ways to overcome it. 


In this post, we'll discuss some tips for overcoming compulsive overeating. 


Hang in there – you can do it!


Why The Compulsions?

Many people find themselves struggling with compulsive eating from time to time. 


This behaviour can be challenging to understand, as it often occurs when a person isn't necessarily hungry or lacking food. 


Instead, various psychological factors contribute to compulsively eating, such as stress, negative feelings about one's body, and feelings of disconnection from others. 


Additionally, the food can be highly addictive due to its mix of fats, amino acids, and natural chemicals. 


This may trigger the same reward pathways in the brain that are activated by other addictive substances like drugs or alcohol. 


So what are the 2 best ways to overcome compulsive eating?


Well, in our reckoning, there are two critical means of regulating these so-called "compulsions."


Let's have a look.


#1 Conscious Constraint

A conscious constraint is a powerful tool for regulating compulsive eating. 


This technique involves taking a step back, becoming aware of your actions, and then taking a different course of action instead. 


For example, if you are sitting down with a bowl of ice cream in front of the TV and realise that you are feeling bored and turning to food for comfort, rather than continuing to give in to those cravings, you can pause and think about what else might make you feel better. 


In this way, conscious constraint gives you the power to decide how to respond to your urges, allowing you to regain control over compulsive eating behaviours. 


Incorporating conscious constraints into your eating habits can be one of the best ways to manage compulsive eating and achieve long-term health and wellness.


But remember - you don't necessarily need to cut out all your favourite foods - consume them in moderation!


#2 Satiating Foods

There is no denying the allure of food, especially for those who suffer from compulsive eating. 


In fact, for many people battling it, thoughts of food can be almost constant, leading to intense cravings and a feeling of being out of control around food. 


However, eating satiating foods is a straightforward way to help keep these cravings at bay. 


These foods provide enough nutrition and satisfaction to keep you from constantly craving more food. 


Ultimately, the key to long-term success in managing compulsive eating is prioritising consuming satiating foods regularly. 


Doing so gives you the best chance at not thinking about food constantly.


The Most Satiating Foods

Alright, consuming satiating foods is quite effective in managing compulsive eating, but which foods are the most satiating ones?


 Let's have a look!


Animal Products

When it comes to satisfying our hunger, it's hard to beat animal foods like meat and eggs. 


These foods are packed with essential nutrients, but they also have another important quality that distinguishes them from other types of food: their high fat and protein content makes them incredibly satiating. 


Compared to other foods that are lower in these nutrients, such as plants, animal proteins leave us feeling full for longer and help us stay satisfied between meals. 


For anyone looking for a satisfying and nourishing meal, the humble egg or juicy steak should be at the top of their list!


Vegetables & Fruits

Now, even though animal products are incredibly satiating, and you should include them in your workouts, that doesn't mean excluding plant foods.


The humble potato is the food that ranks at number one on the list of most satiating foods, even though it has inferior protein/fat content.


This is perhaps due to their density and the fact that they take longer to digest.


Either way, add vegetables and fruits to your nutrition plan and watch your satiety explode!


Final Thoughts

Listen, pal, the next time you find yourself raiding the fridge at midnight or eating an entire sleeve of cookies in one sitting, remember to ask yourself if you're starving. 


And if you are, make sure your snack is packed with nutrients that will help keep you satisfied until your next meal. 


In other words, think before you eat—and enjoy every bite!


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