How to get better sleep

Have you ever wondered how to wake up fresh and ready to crush your day? 


Have you ever felt your energy level dropping to the ground after being awake for only 3 hours?


Today you will get all the answers you have always had about sleep.


But first, let's answer a simple question...


Why do we sleep?

You have a response for that. You will say something like, "I sleep because I don't wanna die", and you will be correct. 


Well, generally


There are a couple of theories that exist to answer this question; however, the explanation is not quite simple:


The truth lies in a combination of every one of these theories.


  1. Psychical recovery - this is the moment where our brain recovers.

  2. Physical recovery - when we sleep, our body heals and builds specific tissues (muscles).

  3. Reorganize the memories and information that we accumulated during the day.

  4. We save energy - when we sleep, we need less energy.


If you are not convinced yet, whether to take these important 8 hours of sleep, here's more...


What happens if we don't sleep enough?

To answer this question, we must examine sleep deprivation's consequences.


According to a survey, if you only sleep 2-3 hours less than the optimum amount of 8 hours, you will have 24% more hunger throughout the day.


The increased appetite leads to overweight and risk of many other conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease in the long term.


Another big issue with sleep deprivation is that we don't recover optimally. 

Even if our diet and training plans are on point, we'll have a hard time making these gains.


Furthermore, our productivity will decrease as well.

In other words, our body, our mind, and our relationships will suffer.


If that isn't enough to make you get these important 8 hours every night, we have one more thing to convince you to get more serious about it.


Short sleep duration will lose you money! 


That's right. 


You will have trouble making the right decisions when you have a terrible sleep. 


You are not focused enough, and you miss opportunities. 


Missed opportunities lead to losing money.


After knowing all the consequences of bad sleeping habits, let's jump straight into some tips that will help you.


How do we get better sleep?

The truth is that the quality of your sleep is affected by various factors. Some of which you may not even know the matter that much


However, there are fundamental truths about sleep, which will do the job if you go by them, so let's have a look!



  1. Create a routine


Going to bed at the same hour every night and getting up at the same hour will make your life easier. 


You should train your brain to "shut down" and wake up at specific times.


By doing this, you teach your body when it is time to rest and when it is time to progress.


2.    Invest in a good mattress


We spend ⅓ of our lives sleeping.


That said, we shouldn't compromise the good mattress because it has an essential role in the quality of our sleep.


Bonus: The pillow is also an excellent investment, so spend your money wisely for a comfortable one.


3.    Remember the three keywords.


●    Cold - 17-18 degrees is a perfect temperature for sleeping.

●    Noise - It should be quiet in your room.

●    Darkness - It must be fully dark when you sleep, so buying dark curtains is smart.


4.    Take a hot bath before sleep


It helps in reducing body temperature, which is essential for sleeping.


5.    Reduce caffeine consumption


Don't drink caffeinated beverages after late afternoon because your sleep will suffer.


6.    Don't look at your phone, laptop, or TV before bed.


The blue light damages your sleep, so reading a book is preferable.


Final thoughts:

If you are finally ready to get the best sleep of your life and say goodbye to insomnia and low-quality sleep, follow these tips and come back here to thank us later!


 Sleep tight.


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