Biohacks for Night Owls: Adjusting Fitness and Nutrition Strategies for Those Who Thrive at Night

Night owls often find themselves swimming against the tide in a world dominated by early risers. But with changing work cultures and the flexibility offered by remote jobs, many are embracing their nocturnal inclinations. Adjusting their fitness and nutrition can make a world of difference for those who find energy spikes in the late hours. Here's a guide tailored specifically for the night owl seeking to optimise their health and well-being.


1. Timing Your Meals for Optimal Energy


Fueling Late Night Workouts: If you're hitting the gym or exercising post-sundown, ensure you have a balanced meal 1-2 hours prior. This meal should combine complex carbs, like quinoa or sweet potatoes, with lean protein. It will provide sustained energy and prevent muscle breakdown.


Post-Workout Nutrition: Night owls need to be cautious about eating large meals right before bedtime as it can disrupt sleep. After an evening workout, opt for a light protein shake or a yoghurt parfait, ensuring muscle recovery without causing digestive disturbances.


2. Syncing Circadian Rhythms


Natural Light Exposure: Even if you're more active at night, try to get sunlight exposure during the day. This helps regulate melatonin, a sleep hormone, ensuring a better rest quality when you hit the sack.


Limit Blue Light: As bedtime approaches, minimise exposure to blue light emitted from phones, computers, and TVs. Blue light can mess with your circadian rhythm, making it harder to wind down.


3. Evening Workout Strategies


Embrace Calming Routines: Consider routines that calm the nervous system if you're working out late but not right before bedtime. Yoga, tai chi, or a leisurely walk can be effective and soothing.


Avoid Overstimulation: High-intensity interval training (HIIT) or heavy weightlifting can spike cortisol, the stress hormone. If you're exercising close to bedtime, this might disrupt your sleep.


4. Nutritional Considerations


Limit Caffeine: For those active at night, it might be tempting to fuel up with caffeine. However, if consumed too late, it can significantly affect sleep quality. Try to have your last caffeine intake before your planned sleep time, no later than 6 hours.


Opt for Sleep-Inducing Foods: Almonds, walnuts, chamomile tea, and warm milk contain compounds that can promote sleep. Incorporate them into your nighttime routine.


5. Staying Hydrated


Monitor Water Intake: Staying hydrated is essential. However, drinking large amounts of water before bed can lead to nocturnal disturbances. Aim to meet most of your hydration goals earlier in the day.


6. Embracing Recovery and Relaxation


Prioritise Sleep: Even night owls need their rest. Ensure you get 7-9 hours of sleep, even if it means sleeping a bit later into the morning or day.


Adopt Relaxation Techniques: Incorporate practices like meditation, deep breathing exercises, or reading to help signal to your body that it's time to wind down.


7. Supplements for the Night Owl


Magnesium: Known as the relaxation mineral, magnesium can help calm the nervous system and prepare the body for rest.


Melatonin: While it's best to consult a healthcare provider, some night owls benefit from a melatonin supplement to regulate sleep patterns.


8. Social Considerations


Night Owl Community: One of the challenges for night owls can be the feeling of isolation, as their active hours might not align with their peers. Consider joining a 24-hour gym or finding online communities of like-minded individuals. Engage in activities and classes that cater to nocturnal schedules.


Communicate Your Schedule: Let friends, family, and colleagues know your preferred times. This can help manage expectations and reduce potential conflicts.



Being a night owl in a world designed for early risers can be challenging, but with the right strategies, it doesn't have to come at the expense of health and wellness. You can harness the night's energy without compromising well-being by tailoring your fitness and nutrition habits to your unique circadian rhythm. Embrace your nocturnal nature, but do so with awareness and intention, ensuring that body and mind thrive.


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